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gas engineer training review - testimonial from gas engineer trainee Babatunde


Babatunde recently completed his training to become a gas engineer, and kindly left a review of his experience as a gas engineer trainee with Access Training.



Student spotlight - Jess

Jess recently completed her electrical training with us in our Welwyn Garden City centre. Jess is now carrying out full and partial rewires including maintenance work following her training. Read her electrical training course review and find out what she has to say about Access Training here. 




In a recent interview, the Government have admitted that they have not been assessing the full impact of the skills shortage properly. The construction industry is already facing a severe skills shortage, and this is only going to get worse in the coming years. If the government does not take action to address this issue, it will have a significant impact on the ability to build new homes. More...

gas engineer training review - testimonial from gas engineer trainee Babatunde


Babatunde recently completed his training to become a gas engineer, and kindly left a review of his experience as a gas engineer trainee with Access Training.



Access Training is excited to announce the launch of the Access Network and our improved Student Portal. 




As the summer season unfolds in the United Kingdom, certain industries witness a surge in demand for employment opportunities. Among them, the construction sector stands tall, offering the most popular summer jobs. The dynamic nature of construction projects, the abundance of opportunities, and the benefits associated with the industry have contributed to its prominence. This article explores why construction has emerged as the most popular summer jobs provider in the UK.



Why do plumbers earn so much?

Plumbers can earn a very rewarding salary for their time and effort due to the variety of industries they cover and the level and urgency of demand in the UK. There's a reason why there are emergency and on-call plumbers available up and down the country!



In homes and properties across the UK, plumbing is incredibly important. Plumbing gives us constant, high-quality running water which provides us with working toilets and heating in the cold months. And we all know how important that is!

Plumbing is a very varied job role and plumbers can fix a range of different issues over the course of the working day. If you're interested in becoming a plumber, then these are some of the most common jobs you can expect to carry out. 


What's changing with PQP cards?

From the 30th of June 2023, PQP cards will only be available to applicants that are a part of one of the approved professional bodies. There is a list available to the public of all 63 CSCS-approved professional bodies to check whether you are on the approved list.

If you are a part of an approved body on the above list, you can continue to apply for your PQP card through your organisation. The changes that are coming into place will only affect those who are not a part of the approved bodies on the list.



becoming a gas engineer

University graduate Maycon recently trained to become a gas engineer with Access Training, and is here to share his training experience with you!

Maycon, a graduate with a background in aerospace engineering, found himself looking for diverse and flexible career opportunities following graduation and was drawn to gas engineering. If you’re interested in becoming a gas engineer, you may be interested in hearing more about Maycon’s experience!


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