It’s easier than you may think to ruin your career in 140 characters or less, as social media is prevalent in everyday life. 
So, if you’re conducting training with us here at Access Training and will soon be seeking a new career listen up! Here are a few things you should consider when it comes to your social media activity whilst job hunting. More...

What are some plumbing safety precaution tips?

  1. Use the correct equipment
  2. Wear a mask to protect yourself from mould
  3. Get insured
  4. Wear protective eye goggles
  5. Use ear protection plugs or defenders
  6. Invest in slip resistant, steel toe cap boots
  7. Be prepared & plan ahead
  8. Stay hydrated
  9. Source reliable emergency contacts for when something goes wrong
  10. Brush up on your knowledge and skills with training courses

First comes studying for a trade qualification at one of our centres, then, once you’ve passed, comes the job interviews. 

This can seem a little daunting, especially if it’s your first experience since deciding to make a career change or leaving full time education. So, in order to give your confidence a little boost, here are a few top tips which’ll get you prepared in no time at all. More...

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