The government recently announced plans to put a levy on employers to ensure that a certain percentage of new employees are apprentices. This new call to arms for apprentices has shown a determination from the government to improve the prospects of young apprentices across the country, and is a positive step forward.

However, how will this affect employers? How do they feel about having to accept more apprentices to their businesses? Having pondered about this question, we decided to compare three main employees and answer an important question: Who would best suit your organisation’s circumstances: apprentices, temporary employees or fixed employees?  

If you are a business owner yourself and are struggling with this very question, or if you are considering how best to look for employment, then this article should hopefully provide you with some valuable information… read on! More...

Has your boiler seen a few too many winters? Are you starting to get lukewarm showers and weak flowing taps? Perhaps it’s time for you to get a new one.

Boilers made today are of a much higher quality and efficiency than those built 10-15 years ago, and so it definitely is worth keeping up to date. Today’s standards of boiler building ensures that the new products have the maximum energy efficiency of 90%, and will be more cost efficient as a result. 

If you’re thinking of getting a new boiler, but don’t know much about them, then read on! More...

Labour MPs are in uproar over the threat of a 50% cut in apprenticeship schemes.

After a cabinet rethink over the plans for apprenticeship funding, and despite recent government commitments to secure apprenticeship funding for the future, apprenticeships could be less of a priority than they were before. 

The cuts, should they take place, will do so in May of 2017, and could involve a 30-50% decrease in government funding. This painful slice in apprenticeships will greatly wound the students of schools and colleges across the country, denying them much needed opportunities for social mobility.

Over 50 Labour MPs have written letters of protest to the Apprenticeship and Skills Minister, Robert Halfon, claiming that the cuts to apprenticeship funding runs contrary to the Prime Minister’s pledge to improve social mobility. They are imploring him to rethink proposals which could significantly harm the UK trade labour industry. More...

As our most recent summer fades away, the days are getting shorter and colder and we start the dreaded march into frosty mornings and pitch-black evenings. Not to mention those pesky heating bills that sky-rocket as soon as it hits September...
...Or is that really the case? A recent survey conducted by home heating oil specialists Emo Oil has revealed that central heating is actually used constantly throughout the summer, with households turning it up as soon as the evening chill arrives. More...
It’s never a bad idea to plan ahead. As the old saying goes, ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’, and, true to the phrase, failing to prepare when starting a business can end in nothing but failure. 
In today’s climate, business is fierce competition. Being fully prepared might mean the difference between success and failure.
This article aims to inform you how to prepare for starting your business in the trade, and making sure that you hit the ground running. More...

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