What Appliances Need to Be PAT Tested?

What Appliances Need to Be PAT Tested?


PAT testing is a great way to know for sure whether or not an electronic appliance is safe to use – but what exactly is PAT testing, how does it work, and what appliances need to be PAT tested?


What is PAT Testing?

PAT testing stands for Portable Appliance Testing, so when you say ‘PAT testing’, you’re really saying ‘portable appliance testing-testing’!

PAT is a test of electrical safety that is used across the UK and Ireland. The term PAT is used to describe the process in which electrical appliances (e.g. kettles, toasters, hair dryers) are routinely checked for electronic safety.

The formal term for the PAT process is “in-service inspection & testing of electrical equipment”. The PAT process includes a combination of visual inspections and electronic tests. 


Portable Appliance Testing FAQs

Why do I need to have my appliances PAT tested?

PAT tests are the best way to ensure that any appliance is actually safe to use. PAT tests are a good way for landlords to ensure that they are meeting their legal obligations to maintain high standards of electrical safety in any property.

Furthermore, according to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury must be maintained in a safe condition. However, these regulations fail to specify exactly what needs to be done, by whom, and how regularly.

What appliances need to be PAT tested?  

As mentioned above, there is rarely any legal requirement for an appliance to be PAT tested, although this can depend on whether or not the electrical appliances are being used in a workplace. It is generally recommended that portable electronic appliances be PAT tested to ensure that they are safe to use, and PAT tests are commonly ordered by business owners and landlords for this reason.

The term ‘portable appliance’ can refer to any hand-held appliance that can be moved and is not part of a fixed installation, but is intended to be connected to an electricity supply via lead and plug. Examples of portable appliances include toasters, blenders, microwaves, hair dryers, lamps, electric fans, and vacuum cleaners. Some larger appliances can also sometimes fall into the category of portable appliance, such as fridges, freezers, photocopiers, dishwashers, and vending machines.

Who does PAT testing?

PAT tests – or any electrical work for that matter – should always be carried out by those with all of the necessary knowledge and skill to do so safely. Many registered electricians are capable of carrying out portable appliance testing.

How can I get PAT qualified?

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the electrical trade, Access Training offer electrician training courses. We offer electrical courses at all different levels – whether you’re a complete beginner looking to learn the essentials or a professional tradesperson looking to specialise in a certain field, you can benefit from our training facilities. If you’d like to learn more about the electrical courses offered by Access Training, why not head over to our electrical courses page?

Electrician Courses

If you’re specifically interested in becoming qualified in PAT Testing, you can learn more about how we can help you get qualified below.  

PAT Testing Training


Read More: How to Become PAT Certified

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