High-Paying Trade Jobs: No Degree Required!

High-Paying Trade Jobs: No Degree Required!

Are you tired of hearing about the traditional university path and its hefty student loans? Did you know there are lucrative skilled trades in the UK that offer impressive salaries without a degree? In this article, we're diving into the world of these rewarding careers, revealing the top earners and highlighting exciting options without needing years of university studies. 

Top earners without a degree:

Heat Pump Engineer: Experienced professionals earn around £45,000 for a 35-43 hour workweek. You can get into this profession by training as a gas engineer or plumber beforehand. Find out more about our heat pump course here

Electrician: With experience, you can earn on average £42,000 per year. There are plenty of ways into this profession, including accredited training schools, traditional and non-traditional apprenticeship routes, and directly applying for roles with employers who offer on-the-job training programs. Take a look at our full range of electrical courses here.

Plumber: These roles offer £40,000 with experience. Secure your job through similar paths as electricians, skipping the university requirement! We have a wide range of plumbing courses to offer, here at Access. If you are interested, click here for more information.

Other enticing options:

While a degree isn't always necessary, qualifications and training are crucial for most trades.

Our Earn While You Learn scheme offers valuable on-the-job experience alongside earning potential. Additionally, our accredited training courses can get you fully qualified, at a pace that works for you. The construction industry is booming, creating high demand for skilled workers and competitive salaries. Ready to ditch the student loan burden and build your success? Visit our website and explore these rewarding trades!


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