How to Become a Plumber in the UK

How to Become a Plumber in the UK

how to become a plumber

You can become a plumber in the UK through a plumbing apprenticeship, or through a plumbing course. If you decide to take the training route, you can then choose from the below exciting options!


Why become a plumber?

Plumbing is an excellent career to get into, and working in this trade comes with many financial, physical and mental benefits. If you’d like to learn how to become a plumber in the UK, read through this ultimate guide.


How to become a plumber:

  1. How to Become a Plumber Without an Apprenticeship
  2. What Qualifications Do I Need to Become a Plumber?
  3. How Much Money Do Plumbers Make?
  4. How to Become a Plumber While Working
  5. Who Can Train as a Plumber
  6. Is 40 Too Old to Become a Plumber?
  7. How to Become a Plumber with Access Training


How to become a plumber without an apprenticeship

You can very easily become a plumber without an apprenticeship. Though many choose to formally become apprentices, or to get work experience as a plumber's mate (i.e. an informal apprenticship) there are actually many alternative pathways that will help you to get your dream career faster. 

When you train as a plumber through a traditional apprenticeship, you can expect to study for up to 4 years until you reach a qualified standard. This is an extremely long period of time, which can deter applicants from starting a career in trade. To become a professional plumber, we ditch all the hassle and time that you'd spend in a plumbing apprenticeship looking over someone's shoulders.

Instead, we offer intensive plumbing courses where you'll be able to gain plumbing experience in weeks, rather than years. In the time it takes to complete a full apprenticeship, our intensive plumbing students could earn back the investment they made for a private training course ten-fold! 

Alternatively, if you'd like to earn money while training as a plumber, our plumbing Access Apprenticeship is the perfect option for you. In our plumbing apprenticeship, we'll help you obtain your CSCS card and set you up with work as a groundworker or labourer, fast-tracking your career. You can then go on to earn up to £27,000 per year (on average). This is an ideal way to learn the theory, and still get some on-site work experience!


What qualifications do I need to become a plumber?

We work with several awarding organisations such as City and Guilds, offering a huge selection of accredited courses and diplomas. To become a plumber, you will need the following qualifications to gain your NVQ Level 2 certifications:

  • 2 or more GCSEs from grade 9 to 3 (A*-D)

The NVQ Level 2 certificate will provide you with all of the domestic heating and plumbing training knowledge that you need to start.

Once you've served time to achieve your Level 2 Plumbing NVQ, you can progress onto a range of our plumbing courses depending on whether you'd like to work as a domestic plumber, or a commercial plumber. 

If you'd like to become a domestic plumber and get your Level 2 Plumbing Certification..

Essential Plumbing Course - this course covers all the key areas of plumbing so you have the basics under your belt.

If you'd like to expand your existing plumbing skillset with a NVQ Diploma...

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Plumbing and Heating - for advanced knowledge surrounding the ability to install, maintain and repair domestic heating systems and water systems.

If you'd like to become a commercial plumber or an approved contractor for your local water authority...

WRAS - Water Regulations Advisory Scheme Course - this course will equip you with all the knowledge you need to gain an approved status. This allows you to take on contracts from local housing associations, local authorities, health care trusts and building contractors.

If you want to advance your knowledge even more...

Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems Course - this course will provide you with the skill needed to install and maintain unvented hot water systems.

If you want to go the extra mile...

ACS Gas Assessment - if you're looking to expand your horizons further, many of our students go on to this course allowing you to work on domestic gas appliances.

See More: Do I Need an NVQ to be a Plumber?


How much money do plumbers make? 

Plumbers are in extremely high demand, and the salary of a plumber definitely reflects this. After taking a professional plumbing course, you can expect to earn £18,000-£20,000 per year in an entry-level plumber position (and even more if you're based in London or the surrounding areas of London). 

Once you become an experienced plumber, you can expect to make £21,000-£30,000 per year. At this point, you will also require a few additional qualifications. 

If you want to get a head start and earn up to £35,000 per year as a plumber, you can gain multiple gas and electrical qualifications with our premier plumbing course. After that, you can complete your Gas Safe training so you can become a gas plumber with an even more rewarding salary. We offer all the skills you need to get gas safe registered!

On the other hand, if you'd rather work for yourself, you can become a self-employed plumber. Self-employed plumbers earn a rewarding amount of money - some of them making as much as £60,000 per year!. This is because self-employed plumbers can charge up to £90 per hour, equating to £1,000 per week

However, the financial rewards do not stop there. If you're a self employed plumber and you're willing to put in the hours and offer 24-hour call-out services, you could easily earn up to £100,000 per year. Work hard, play hard - right?


How to become a plumber while working

Plumbing courses are available on a full-time, part-time or fast-track basis for those looking to become a qualified plumber in their own time. We understand that the stresses and responsibilities of life can get in the way, which is why we believe it's important to provide our students with the flexibility they need.

It's actually very easy to qualify as a plumber when working. We have flexible training packages which mean you can train around work, family or any other commitments. We'll never expect you to put your life on hold - that's just impossible, and extremely unrealistic. At Access Training, our main priority is to help you to start your plumbing career in your own time, and in a way that works best for your learning.


Who Can Train as a Plumber?

Anyone can train as a plumber! Our curriculum is designed to help anybody become a tradesman with just a bit of elbow-grease. If you are a school-leaver looking to continue or shift gears in your education, you can easily get qualified through one of our courses. However, we also offer plumbing courses that are suited to adults looking to change careers. 

You might find that a plumbing company or agency won't bring you on as an apprentice unless you are under a certain age. However, an adult can still get practical skills and qualify through one of our courses. This is a clear and easy-to-understand route for you to begin upskilling and start your career in plumbing.


Is 40 too old to become a plumber?

No, 40 is not too old to become a plumber. As of December 2024, UK residents will not receive their state pension until 66 years of age. Whilst this means that people are working longer, this also means that it's never too late to become a plumber. In fact, if you become a plumber at 40, you'll have another 26 years of working left!  

If you are content to work your current job for the next 26 years, then carry on! On the other hand, 40 is a great age to retrain and become a plumber. 

In fact, there are many benefits to becoming a plumber at 40. For instance, it could be beneficial for your health and dexterity. As a plumber, you'll be working with your hands on a daily basis which will help to keep your body and mind active. 

Ultimately, there is no age limit to become a plumber. No matter when you choose to retrain as a plumber, you will be giving yourself the chance to spend the rest of your career in an exciting, varied and rewarding career. 


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