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what to do after dropping out of uni
Making the decision to drop out of university requires a lot of courage and maturity, but mostly it requires preparation and planning. Knowing what to do after dropping out of uni can help make the transition from education to working life a little bit smoother.
It’s perfectly natural to decide that your course wasn’t what you expected it would be, or to find it too expensive, or to simply not enjoy the university lifestyle. There is nothing undignified about changing your mind once you’re there. In fact, more than 26,000 students dropped out of university in 2013/14.
Whatever the reason, it isn’t the end of the world. University is not the only path to a successful life and career. However, before making the decision to drop out of university, it is highly useful to know what your options are.
With so much pressure from schools and parents put on students to attend university, it might become hard to consider the many other career routes there are, which can provide you with just as prosperous a future.
If you are one of the thousands who discovered that university doesn’t necessarily give you ‘the best three years of your life' and are searching for a new direction to go in, then read on - there is something better suited for you out there somewhere. More...

Retrain as an Electrician

If you've grown tired of your unfulfilling job, you may be considering a change of career. There are many reasons why you may be looking to retrain as an electrician, and Access Training provides a great way to learn this vital trade and get your career started.

Whether you're a complete newcomer or a qualified trade professional who's looking to learn some new skills, you can retrain as an electrician with the help of Access Training Academies. If you're ready to enrol, you can skip straight to our list of electrical courses - but for more information on why you should retrain as an electrician, keep reading.


Why retrain as an electrician?

  • Good salary - Electricians are some of the highest earning tradespeople. On average, electricians earn around £32,000 a year. A fantastic salary worth working for.

  • Work anywhere - With the current skills shortage, it is possible to find work as an electrician anywhere in the UK. Whether you want to relocate or just want to travel more.

  • Be your own boss - Qualified electricians can pick the jobs that suit them, this freedom to work for yourself means you can pick your hours and take home all the money you've earned.

  • No degree required - With many jobs there is the assumption that a degree is necessary to do well. However, becoming successful in a trade is possible with a course, apprenticeship and by gaining steady experience.


How long does it take to retrain as an electrician?

Traditionally, training as an electrician took up to three years as it was necessary to spend years studying in college and then take on an apprenticeship in order to qualify. However, there are now ways in which you can become a qualified electrician in a much shorter timeframe.

Our courses are designed to get you qualified as quickly as possible, whilst still ensuring you are fully able and competent at the job. Depending on your levels of experience, determination and the programme you choose to follow, you could be qualified within a few months.

This will vary between students, for instance, some of our students choose to retrain as an electrician part-time whilst they maintain other job and family commitments which may take longer. Ultimately we will help all of our students achieve their ambition, no matter how long they choose to study for. We will work with you to find realistic study goals and stick to them.

ONLINE TRAINING: We now offer live online training sessions - join our virtual classroom, interact with your expert tutor, and learn the basics of electrical work from the comfort of your own home. Of course, a professional electrician needs a lot of hands-on experience, so the practical part of your course will take place at our training centre as usual. Get in touch now to find out more!

Our electrical courses include a number of industry-recognised qualifications - more information here:

If you're interested in retraining as an electrician or taking any of our courses we are more than happy to help. We will advise you on what course would best suit your goals and circumstances. To speak to one of our expert advisors, contact us today.


Whether it's laziness, a lack of training or cashflow issues, there are a number of reasons that may be used when discussing a career change with your teenager. It can be scary after all. But, if you’re a parent to a teenager who is looking for their first ever job, then we bet you’ve heard them every excuse in the book. 

It can be frustrating for you as you want your child to do their best, have aspirations and do well for themselves. Then on the flipside, they probably call you a nag and tell you to “just chill out”. We’ve all been there… or at least know someone who has. 

That’s why our team here at Access Training aim to make starting a career in trade as easy as it can possibly be. More...

what is a heating engineer
A heating engineer is a skilled professional who installs, maintains, and repairs heating systems in homes and businesses. These systems and appliances can include boilers, radiators, and thermostats. A heating engineer's responsibilities include:
  • Ensuring that properties of all kinds are safely and efficiently heated More...
what to do after dropping out of uni
Making the decision to drop out of university requires a lot of courage and maturity, but mostly it requires preparation and planning. Knowing what to do after dropping out of uni can help make the transition from education to working life a little bit smoother.
It’s perfectly natural to decide that your course wasn’t what you expected it would be, or to find it too expensive, or to simply not enjoy the university lifestyle. There is nothing undignified about changing your mind once you’re there. In fact, more than 26,000 students dropped out of university in 2013/14.
Whatever the reason, it isn’t the end of the world. University is not the only path to a successful life and career. However, before making the decision to drop out of university, it is highly useful to know what your options are.
With so much pressure from schools and parents put on students to attend university, it might become hard to consider the many other career routes there are, which can provide you with just as prosperous a future.
If you are one of the thousands who discovered that university doesn’t necessarily give you ‘the best three years of your life' and are searching for a new direction to go in, then read on - there is something better suited for you out there somewhere. More...

If you’re reading this article, the chances are you didn’t do as well as you’d hoped in your exams. But that’s okay - if might have been a rough day at the office or maybe exams aren’t your thing.

Regardless of why your exams didn’t go to plan, you might want to start thinking about what options you have in front of you. If you didn’t get the grades to get into your first choice uni, there are still several other routes you can take - it isn’t the end of the world, even though it might feel like it.

Read on to find out what you can still do to provide yourself with a secure career and future prospects. More...

Thousands of UK students will be heading to university this autumn, but is it really worth the time, expense and years of debt that follow? 
A degree certainly can give our youth a great start in their career and can provide a wealth of fantastic opportunities, rewarding salaries and job security for life. However for many young people, who may not be suited to university life or more advanced subjects such as medicine or architecture, a degree and three years at university can come at a hefty price. More...

It’s fast approaching that dreaded time of year. Those weeks since your last exam have flown by, and now you’re faced with the day you never thought would actually come: #ALevelResults.

Yes, Results Day. It’s here, and now the reality kicks in. Some of you, of course, might feel confident driving to the school to pick up your results, happy with your effort and confident that you’ll get the results you need to do whatever it is you’d like to do, whether you go on to university or not. If this is the case, congratulations!

However, there will be many who are quite naturally dreading the prospect of opening that envelope and reading those fatal letters. With the heap of pressure placed on that very moment, it might feel like your whole world is ready to collapse, and all prospect of a decent future hanging on by a single thread.

But that certainly is not the case. Regardless of your results, happy with them or not, there are always other open routes through life which don’t depend on your ability to perform well in exams.

Read this article to refresh your mind of the options open to you; and remember, it isn’t the end of the world if results day isn’t how you hoped it would be. More...


Every job has its difficulties, and no single job offers pure enjoyment each and every single day.

Having said that, there is a crucial difference between facing challenges and difficulties in your job, and being unhappy, overworked and dissatisfied in your day-to-day working life.

Sometimes, the answer isn’t to grin and bear what hardships your job throws at you. If it means sacrificing your health and happiness, it might be about time to consider leaving it for something better suited to you and your life.

Read on to discover some common issues in the workplace, as well as learning the difference between the natural challenge of work and an unhealthy and dissatisfying battle with your job. More...


Time is precious. The pace of today’s lifestyle is seemingly unending, the day’s too short; finding time to fit in all of life’s demands, committing to family and friends, and having a successful working life, can sometimes feel impossible to achieve. 

However, optimising your time to the best of your ability will contribute greatly to your general wellbeing. Cutting back on unnecessary time wasting is an essential part of happy living, and can greatly reduce stress, anxiety and frustration, whilst allowing you more opportunities to unwind and enjoy.

Here are 6 top tips on optimising your time, and for being the most productive worker you can be: More...

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