What does a labourer do?

If you feel stuck in a dead-end job or simply aren’t enjoying your career anymore, then you’re likely to be weighing up your career options right now. Family members may encourage you to be a labourer if you’re a practical person, but do you often wonder ‘what is a labourer?’ and ‘what does a labourer do?’. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Find out if a career as a labourer is for you.


Brexit and trade
When Britain voted to leave the European Union last year the pound fell to its lowest since 1985, showing that the effects of Brexit were already doing damage to the economy. It’s now slowly beginning to rise again, however, some areas (such as the trade sector) are still feeling the effects. More...

How Long Does It Take to Become a Fully-Qualified Electrician?

Stuck in a job you don’t love? Or perhaps you’re considering your options after leaving school? Well, if you’re thinking about learning a trade, you may be wondering how to become an electrician. Read on to find out!


How to Become a Qualified Electrician

In order to become a fully-qualified electrician, you will have to complete a level 3 electrical or electro-technical qualification (or equivalent). This is traditionally done through an apprenticeship, as Level 3 will be awarded on completion. However, completing Level 1 and 2 qualifications may help you find a trainee position.

Becoming an Electrician Without an Apprenticeship: Here at Access Training, we offer intensive short-course training packages that will help you to get equally qualified (if not more) without needing to join an apprenticeship scheme.

Electrician Courses >

Whatever route you choose, the typical electrician needs to have:

  • Practical skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Organisation skills
  • Social skills
  • Basic maths skills


How Long Does It Take to Get Qualified?

The time it takes to become a qualified electrician will depend on the study route you choose to take.

Generally, apprenticeships take three years to complete and will involve one day a week at college and four days within a related job position. However, many colleges offer two-year fast-track options for advanced students, as well as part-time study, which could take much longer.

After completion, it is then up to the student whether they continue on to higher education courses or undertake job-related training (e.g. a PAT testing certification).

Students at Access Training can achieve the very highest level in the electrical trade and earn a number of industry-recognised electrical qualifications (including PAT Testing and 18th Edition) in a matter of weeks.

Our electrical training courses are open to candidates of all experience levels. Your experienced tutor will guide you through the certifications needed to become an accomplished electrician, with study and examination for each qualification taking just a few contact days to finish.

So the question is this: do you go down the traditional apprenticeship route, or try something a little different? If the traditional route isn't right for you due to the time it takes to complete (because you'd prefer to quickly earn the experience and skills needed to become a fully-qualified electrician) then browse our range of electrician courses and enrol today!

Browse All Electrician Courses >

If you have any questions regarding our range of electrical training courses, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

UPDATE (08/10/2021): We now offer live online courses that allow you to learn about the electrical trade and the theory that underpins it from the comfort of your own home. These virtual classroom sessions are combined with hands-on learning at our training centre, equipping you with both the knowledge and the skills you'll need to succeed.


Read more:

So, you’re nearing the end of your trade training at one of our centres and you’ve just found out you’ve been successful at a recent interview for what appears to be your dream job. But before you sign your name on the dotted line, make sure to make these final checks: More...

Plumbing problems

Whether you dream of becoming a professional plumber or would simply like to improve your skills so you become handier around the home, a great place to start is understanding the most common plumbing problems and how to fix them.

From dripping taps to leaking pipes, here are just a few of the most common water woes you may come across:


We’re career change experts and we’ve trained thousands of people who have decided to take a new direction and train towards a trade job. However, if you’re considering shaking things up, stop and think – is it really your career you need to change? And if so, how are you going to go about it?


It’s easier than you may think to ruin your career in 140 characters or less, as social media is prevalent in everyday life. 
So, if you’re conducting training with us here at Access Training and will soon be seeking a new career listen up! Here are a few things you should consider when it comes to your social media activity whilst job hunting. More...

What are some plumbing safety precaution tips?

  1. Use the correct equipment
  2. Wear a mask to protect yourself from mould
  3. Get insured
  4. Wear protective eye goggles
  5. Use ear protection plugs or defenders
  6. Invest in slip resistant, steel toe cap boots
  7. Be prepared & plan ahead
  8. Stay hydrated
  9. Source reliable emergency contacts for when something goes wrong
  10. Brush up on your knowledge and skills with training courses

First comes studying for a trade qualification at one of our centres, then, once you’ve passed, comes the job interviews. 

This can seem a little daunting, especially if it’s your first experience since deciding to make a career change or leaving full time education. So, in order to give your confidence a little boost, here are a few top tips which’ll get you prepared in no time at all. More...

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