The Online Basics: Advertising Your New Skills

The Online Basics: Advertising Your New Skills

So, you’ve decided you want to retrain and become a tradesman, but what is your long term goal? If it’s to start and run your very own business so you can be your own boss, then how are you planning on gaining clients?

Advertising your new skills and your available services is essential if you’re going to make a living, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where our years of experience can help.

Be Sociable 

When you’re starting a new business, finances are likely to be low so free marketing opportunities should be seized with both hands. Social media is a familiar platform that can get you and your new skills the exposure that you need. 

Creating a Facebook business page with all the essential information a customer may need should be the first port of call. From listing your services and qualifications, to the areas you cover and how to contact you, this will act as a hub for your business. 

For example, here is our page

You may also like to join a number of local ‘hubs’ where communities ask questions about local businesses or issues and ask for company recommendations. A simple comment on a post or a weekly post about your latest projects may get you numerous callouts. 

Be Easy to Find 

A Facebook business page is great, but if a person has an electrical or plumbing job, they’re likely to search for a tradesman on Google. So, a place on the search engine result pages is an essential part of business.

Of course your Facebook page will appear here, but, let’s face it, a professional-looking website and numerous listings on sites such as Yell, Rate People and Checkatrade is likely to instil more trust. Many of these listings are free to have, however a basic site will start from a few hundred pounds to build and host. 

Advertise Your Services

If the funding is available, why not advertise your new business online or in a local publication? This is a great way of catching the eye of potential customers at the top of a Google search page or among a local news article. 

Your ad could look like this...

Show-Off Your Qualifications 

Ok, so you now know a few ways to get yourself noticed, but you need that well-earned qualification and certificate before you can get yourself out there. 

Get in contact with our team today or learn more about the courses we offer at our many training centres by clicking ‘Find a Course’ at the top of the page.  

‘I simply wouldn't have been able to start my business without Access Training. I can't praise the company enough, my plumbing business is growing, it's been going for 18 months now and I've employed two people from Access Training who did the same course as me!’

Steven Walker 

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