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In homes and properties across the UK, plumbing is incredibly important. Plumbing gives us constant, high-quality running water which provides us with working toilets and heating in the cold months. And we all know how important that is!

Plumbing is a very varied job role and plumbers can fix a range of different issues over the course of the working day. If you're interested in becoming a plumber, then these are some of the most common jobs you can expect to carry out. 




In homes and properties across the UK, plumbing is incredibly important. Plumbing gives us constant, high-quality running water which provides us with working toilets and heating in the cold months. And we all know how important that is!

Plumbing is a very varied job role and plumbers can fix a range of different issues over the course of the working day. If you're interested in becoming a plumber, then these are some of the most common jobs you can expect to carry out. 


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